Top Ten Lists
Vienne, Artificial Intelligence

Top Ten Artificial Intelligence Companies in Vienne

The webAI AI Agent was trained by ISTARI.AI to derive companies’ artificial intelligence (AI) know-how from their websites and to map it as an individual AI Intensity Score. By AI know-how, in this context, we mean products and services with integrated AI or personnel with AI skills. The resulting numerical indicator reflects how centrally the topic of artificial intelligence is communicated on the company’s website and presented as essential for its own business model.

ISTARI webAI has found 30 companies related to Artificial Intelligence, out of 2603 in Vienne region. In the region the avarage Artificial Intelligence score is 0.353 and ranges between 0.082 - 2.725. These are the regions top 10 most high-scored companies regarding AI.

Score: 2.725

L'Expert de la formation à l'informatique : une équipe pédagogique à votre écoute, plus de 700 formations et 20 000 personnes formées chaque année. Certifié ISQ/OPQF et reconnu par tous les financeurs.
Score: 1.155

Votre spécialiste du sur-mesure. Découvrez l'activité du magasin ainsi qu'un assortiment de nos produits.
Score: 0.988

Les 3A : L'Association des Anciens et Amis de l'Association Vers la Vie, aide aux anciens membres de l'AVVEJ et parrainage.
Score: 0.765

Bienvenue sur le site de l'Agence de Développement et d'Innovation de la Nouvelle-Aquitaine ! Découvrez nos missions et nos services.
Start Up
Score: 0.648

Actualité, analyses, dossiers, tendances, interviews : tous les jours, JDN vous propose le meilleur de l'actualité
Score: 0.45

Depuis 2007 Hall-in est le spécialiste à Nîmes de la personnalisation textile TPE PME, graphisme et supports communicationnels (Print, Flyers, Affiches, Grand Format, Objets pub... )
Score: 0.396

Welcome to the Stony Brook Social Competence & Treatment Lab (SCTL), a.k.a. the "Lerner Lab!" We focus on understanding how kids and teens connect to one another and make friends, and helping to develop new ways to help them to do so.The lab has a parti
Score: 0.395

Area 120 is Google's in-house incubator.
Score: 0.24

Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate in Distributed Computing (EMJD-DC)
Score: 0.229

Aspiration filtration des poussières de bois et autres particules industrielle. Aspiration copeaux de bois, cyclone atelier bois.

We are built on cutting-edge research and a highly skilled team. Founded in 2019 as a scientific spin-off, we specialize in AI-based analysis of company-related web data. We continue to stay closely connected to the scientific world and provide expert-level, science-based web analytics.

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