Top Ten Lists
Tiroler Oberland, Delivery Delay

Top Ten Delivery Delay Companies in Tiroler Oberland

The webAI Delivery Delay Agent has been trained by ISTARI.AI to infer from the companies’ websites how they are affected by delivery bottlenecks and delays. The agent also identifies non-deliverable products and products with very long delivery times. Companies affected by exceptional supply chain problems communicate this fact frequently. Based on this information, an individual Delivery Delay Intensity Score is formed for each company. This numerical indicator reflects how centrally the topic of delivery delays is communicated on the respective company website and how frequently products that are not available or only available with very long delivery times are listed.

ISTARI webAI has found 48 companies related to Delivery Delay, out of 3541 in Tiroler Oberland region. In the region the avarage Delivery Delay score is 0.181 and ranges between 0.079 - 1.762. These are the regions top 10 most high-scored companies regarding Delivery_Delay.

Tiroler Oberland
Score: 1.762 is a company located in Tiroler Oberland.
Tiroler Oberland
Score: 0.638

Willkommen bei Gourmet Import, Ihrem Tiroler Händler für Estados Kaffee und Ferghettina Franciacorta. Online Shop oder per Telefon.
Tiroler Oberland
Score: 0.53

Sehen Sie, was uns inspiriert und entdecken Sie die Welt von MINI auf
Tiroler Oberland
Score: 0.335 is a company located in Tiroler Oberland.
Start Up
Tiroler Oberland
Score: 0.273 is a company located in Tiroler Oberland.
Tiroler Oberland
Score: 0.273 is a company located in Tiroler Oberland.
Tiroler Oberland
Score: 0.247

Wir sind ein junges, erfahrenes und eingespieltes Team von Rechtsanwälten, Steuerberatern und Wirtschaftsprüfern. Jetzt Kontakt aufnehmen!
Tiroler Oberland
Score: 0.241

zentrale Lage, mit Frühstück, Super Sommer Karte, Schwimmteich, Wellness, Seilbahnnähe, ruhige Lage Zimmer mit Balkon/Terrasse, Bikepark ,Geocaching, klettern, Downhill, Oldtimer, familiär, SmartTV,freies Wlan, Skifahren, Skidepot, Hotel Garni Alpendiamant
Start Up
Tiroler Oberland
Score: 0.232 is a company located in Tiroler Oberland.
Tiroler Oberland
Score: 0.205 is a company located in Tiroler Oberland.

We are built on cutting-edge research and a highly skilled team. Founded in 2019 as a scientific spin-off, we specialize in AI-based analysis of company-related web data. We continue to stay closely connected to the scientific world and provide expert-level, science-based web analytics.

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