Top Ten Lists
Städteregion Aachen, Energy

Top Ten Energy Companies in Städteregion Aachen

The webAI Energy Agent was trained by ISTARI.AI to identify companies with a focus on the energy sector and to map their focus on this topic as an individual Energy Intensity Score. This numerical indicator measures how centrally the topic of energy is communicated by the company on its own website and presented as essential for its own business model. We consider the entire value chain from the exploitation of energy sources to distribution to end consumers and their consumption patterns, i.e. the entire energy industry.

ISTARI webAI has found 1110 companies related to Energy, out of 7170 in Städteregion Aachen region. In the region the avarage Energy score is 0.528 and ranges between 0.073 - 4.347. These are the regions top 10 most high-scored companies regarding Energy.

Start Up
Städteregion Aachen
Score: 4.347

Onze missie is een wereld zonder emissie. Daarom verduurzamen wij alle huizen. De toekomst creëren we nu. Want de toekomst is econic.
Städteregion Aachen
Score: 3.166 is a company located in Städteregion Aachen.
Städteregion Aachen
Score: 3.154 is a company located in Städteregion Aachen.
Städteregion Aachen
Score: 3.089 is a company located in Städteregion Aachen.
Städteregion Aachen
Score: 2.987

Wir sind für Sie rund um die Uhr im Einsatz - wir reparieren, installieren, konfigurieren und sanieren. Ihr Fachbetrieb
Start Up
Städteregion Aachen
Score: 2.874

Trianel bietet Stadtwerken und Energieversorgern zukunftsfähige Produkte für die Dezentralisierung, Dekarbonisierung und digitalen Transformation der Energiewirtschaft.
Städteregion Aachen
Score: 2.868

Ervens - Brennstoffe. Lieferant für Diesel, HeizÖl, Holzpellets, Briketts, Schmierstoffe, Brennholz und Proangas in Aachen, Stolberg, Eschweiler, Nordeifel.
Städteregion Aachen
Score: 2.863 is a company located in Städteregion Aachen.
Städteregion Aachen
Score: 2.863 is a company located in Städteregion Aachen.
Städteregion Aachen
Score: 2.794

Das Fachzentrum bietet umfassende Beratung und Service im wachsenden Markt der Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung.

We are built on cutting-edge research and a highly skilled team. Founded in 2019 as a scientific spin-off, we specialize in AI-based analysis of company-related web data. We continue to stay closely connected to the scientific world and provide expert-level, science-based web analytics.

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