Top Ten Lists
Novara, Sustainability

Top Ten Sustainability Companies in Novara

The webAI Sustainability Agent was trained by ISTARI.AI to derive from the websites of companies their commitment in the area of sustainability and to depict it as an individual Sustainability Intensity Score. This numerical indicator reflects how centrally the topic of sustainability is communicated by the company on its own website and presented as essential for its own business model.

ISTARI webAI has found 787 companies related to Sustainability, out of 4337 in Novara region. In the region the avarage Sustainability score is 0.634 and ranges between 0.072 - 4.299. These are the regions top 10 most high-scored companies regarding Sustainability.

Start Up
Score: 4.299

B&W's clean power technologies include decarbonization, hydrogen production, solar, energy storage, WtE, emissions control and steam generation.
Start Up
Score: 4.022 is a company located in Novara.
Start Up
Score: 3.426

Bio c’ Bon d’habiter le quartier avec nos fruits et légumes frais, épicerie salée et sucrée, pains frais, fromages à la coupe, cave à vin, produits bien être et beauté et tous nos produits bio du quotidien sélectionnés avec soin ! Chez Bio c’ Bon, on essaie d’être un peu plus qu’un magasin : un lieu où on se rencontre, on discute et on déguste des produits locaux, on se rend des services, on se donne des tips, on laisse ses plantes vertes quand on part en vacances, des perceuses pour vos petits bricolages, et des raclettes pour les soirées d’hivers. Et nos paniers fruits et légumes bio prêt à emporter et des recettes toutes faites à tester à la maison…Oui oui, tout ça dans un magasin bio. Et bien plus encore.
Start Up
Score: 3.116

Tecno Piemonte è una società privata e indipendente che si occupa della fornitura di servizi, in particolare di prove e certificazione.
Score: 3.067

DESI group, stampa online, ampia gamma di prodotti e servizi per aziende e progetti di qualsiasi dimensione. Stampa DIgitale e Grande Formato
Start Up
Score: 3.061 is a company located in Novara.
Start Up
Score: 2.936

Birla Carbon is the world’s leading sustainable manufacturer and supplier of carbon black additives. Birla Carbon black manufacturer has the highest quality carbon worldwide.
Start Up
Score: 2.866

Azienda di trasporti e movimentazioni eccezionali, ingegneria applicata alla logistica ed all’ecologia, bonifiche ambientali, gestione dei rifiuti e manutenzioni fognarie ed idriche di impianti civili ed industriali
Score: 2.858 is a company located in Novara.
Score: 2.856

Progettazione e installazione di impianti di produzione di energia da fonti rinnovabili: legna, pellets, cippato, fotovoltaico, eolico, solare termico, pompe di calore

We are built on cutting-edge research and a highly skilled team. Founded in 2019 as a scientific spin-off, we specialize in AI-based analysis of company-related web data. We continue to stay closely connected to the scientific world and provide expert-level, science-based web analytics.

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