Top Ten Lists
Navarra, Delivery Delay

Top Ten Delivery Delay Companies in Navarra

The webAI Delivery Delay Agent has been trained by ISTARI.AI to infer from the companies’ websites how they are affected by delivery bottlenecks and delays. The agent also identifies non-deliverable products and products with very long delivery times. Companies affected by exceptional supply chain problems communicate this fact frequently. Based on this information, an individual Delivery Delay Intensity Score is formed for each company. This numerical indicator reflects how centrally the topic of delivery delays is communicated on the respective company website and how frequently products that are not available or only available with very long delivery times are listed.

ISTARI webAI has found 88 companies related to Delivery Delay, out of 6164 in Navarra region. In the region the avarage Delivery Delay score is 0.336 and ranges between 0.069 - 2.013. These are the regions top 10 most high-scored companies regarding Delivery_Delay.

Score: 2.013

La mayor tienda de europa especializada en caza con arco. Arcos de caza, accesorios, puntas de caza, todo para la caza con arco
Start Up
Score: 1.92

En Kukuxumusu diseñamos camisetas y otros artículos con dibujos divertidos y humorísticos. Ofrecemos humor y diversión para todo el que quiera huir del aburrimiento.
Start Up
Score: 1.504

【Refuge In Style】We handcraft premium quality waterproof rain hoods ♻️ Wear something unique under the rain ⭐ Discover our new collection now⭐
Score: 1.269

Conoce la labor de la Coordinadora de ONGD de Navarra y accede a noticias, proyectos y actividades de las ONGs. Nuestro objetivo: ¡no dejar a nadie atrás!
Start Up
Score: 1.235

【Linge Basque】➨ Livraison GRATUITE en 24h ✅ Tissus Basque de haute qualité ✅ Linge Basque Traditionnel ✅
Start Up
Score: 1.173

Mig Jimenez. High quality pigments, washes, streaking, filters, oils, acrylic paints, modulation sets, DVDs, the weathering magazine and much more.
Score: 1.167

Cajas de madera personalizadas para e-commerce, eventos, decoración. Graba a láser tu logo. Compra cajas a medida desde 50 unidades.
Start Up
Score: 1.043

Tienda online de Conservas Artesanas Rosara, productos gourmet de calidad, elaborados con verduras de Navarra sin aditivos y sin gluten.
Start Up
Score: 1.007

Agrupación de productores/as y elaboradores/as de alimentos ecológicos de Navarra.Ekoalde nace con una doble vocación, la de dar servicio a sus asociadxs y la de ofrecer de manera profesional una variada gama de productos a los clientes (la clientela) consumidores a precios justos para todos y todas.Ubicado en Noain (con nuestras instalaciones situadas en Noain), nuestro colectivo hace posible crear un catálogo conjunto, organizar la distribución y ofrecer un excelente servicio comercial y logístico.
Score: 0.999

CINTRUENIGO - PAMPLONA - NAVARRA. Tu solución inmobiliaria. Venta pisos y alquiler inmuebles en Cintruenigo. Oficinas, Naves, Garages, Casas, chalets...

We are built on cutting-edge research and a highly skilled team. Founded in 2019 as a scientific spin-off, we specialize in AI-based analysis of company-related web data. We continue to stay closely connected to the scientific world and provide expert-level, science-based web analytics.

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