Top Ten Lists
München, Landkreis, Sustainability

Top Ten Sustainability Companies in München, Landkreis

The webAI Sustainability Agent was trained by ISTARI.AI to derive from the websites of companies their commitment in the area of sustainability and to depict it as an individual Sustainability Intensity Score. This numerical indicator reflects how centrally the topic of sustainability is communicated by the company on its own website and presented as essential for its own business model.

ISTARI webAI has found 1900 companies related to Sustainability, out of 11431 in München, Landkreis region. In the region the avarage Sustainability score is 0.562 and ranges between 0.074 - 4.795. These are the regions top 10 most high-scored companies regarding Sustainability.

München, Landkreis
Score: 4.795

BIO Online-Shop für Gewürze, Kräuter, Superfood, Heilkräuter, Tee, Kräutertee ✓ Kaufen Sie bei EDEL KRAUT Premium Qualität ✓ nach M. Treben + H. Bingen
München, Landkreis
Score: 4.744

Wir sind Ihr kompetenter Ansprechpartner für fructosefreie Lebensmittel. Alles zum Thema fructosefreier Ernährung, Allergien, Lebensmittelunverträglichkeiten und weiteres finden Sie auf |
München, Landkreis
Score: 4.434 is a company located in München, Landkreis.
München, Landkreis
Score: 3.91 is a company located in München, Landkreis.
München, Landkreis
Score: 3.896 is a company located in München, Landkreis.
München, Landkreis
Score: 3.399

Saatgut und Ökosaatgut für die Landwirtschaft, Pferdehaltung, Forst, Imkerei sowie Rasensamen, Blumenzwiebeln, Dünger, Wildvogelfutter, Tiernahrung kaufen!
München, Landkreis
Score: 3.378 is a company located in München, Landkreis.
Start Up
München, Landkreis
Score: 3.224

Providing the finance and risk function of banks and insurance companies with customized, board solutions to help them transform.
München, Landkreis
Score: 3.174 is a company located in München, Landkreis.
Start Up
München, Landkreis
Score: 3.152

Frischepost liefert dir die besten Lebensmittel deiner Stadt mit E-Autos bis an deine Haustür. Von Höfen und Manufakturen aus deiner Region, frisch und direkt auf deinen Teller. Aus Liebe zur Umwelt.

We are built on cutting-edge research and a highly skilled team. Founded in 2019 as a scientific spin-off, we specialize in AI-based analysis of company-related web data. We continue to stay closely connected to the scientific world and provide expert-level, science-based web analytics.

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