Top Ten Lists
La Spezia, Energy

Top Ten Energy Companies in La Spezia

The webAI Energy Agent was trained by ISTARI.AI to identify companies with a focus on the energy sector and to map their focus on this topic as an individual Energy Intensity Score. This numerical indicator measures how centrally the topic of energy is communicated by the company on its own website and presented as essential for its own business model. We consider the entire value chain from the exploitation of energy sources to distribution to end consumers and their consumption patterns, i.e. the entire energy industry.

ISTARI webAI has found 164 companies related to Energy, out of 2381 in La Spezia region. In the region the avarage Energy score is 0.519 and ranges between 0.074 - 4.072. These are the regions top 10 most high-scored companies regarding Energy.

Start Up
La Spezia
Score: 4.072

The Power Systems Business Unit of Rolls-Royce is focused on creating sustainable, climate neutral solutions for drive, propulsion and power generation. We are making a significant contribution to the energy transition with environmentally-friendly technologies from our mtu product and solution brand. As leaders in standby power for safety-critical plants and in integrated drive and propulsion systems for ships and heavy-duty land vehicles, our customers know they can depend on us, and have been doing so for over 110 years.
Start Up
La Spezia
Score: 3.816 is a company located in La Spezia.
La Spezia
Score: 3.464

Gaservice, Centro Assistenza Caldaie, condizionatori, Immergas Beretta Vaillant.
Start Up
La Spezia
Score: 3.163

Fotovoltaico La Spezia, Bologna e Genova. Ecosolare da 20 anni vi accompagna nel futuro. Oltre 1500 impianti installati, richiedi preventivo!
La Spezia
Score: 2.826

Assistenza autorizzata Caldaie condizionatori scaldabagni Daikin Junkers
La Spezia
Score: 2.449

Vuoi risparmiare sulla Tua bolletta della luce ? Investi nel sole. Installando un impianto fotovoltaico potrai ridurre la tua bolletta
La Spezia
Score: 2.054

Impianti per il risparmio energetico, pannelli solari e fotovoltaici, ricariche elettriche e pompe di calore, anche con bonus, ecobonus e 110, a La Spezia.
Start Up
La Spezia
Score: 1.913 is a company located in La Spezia.
La Spezia
Score: 1.886 is a company located in La Spezia.
La Spezia
Score: 1.848

L’unico sistema di accumulo fotovoltaico che non richiede modifiche all’ impianto e neppure l’installazione di un nuovo inverter. Compatibile con tutti i tipi di batterie: piombo, Aquion, litio.

We are built on cutting-edge research and a highly skilled team. Founded in 2019 as a scientific spin-off, we specialize in AI-based analysis of company-related web data. We continue to stay closely connected to the scientific world and provide expert-level, science-based web analytics.

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