Top Ten Lists
Heilbronn, Stadtkreis, Social Innovation

Top Ten Social Innovation Companies in Heilbronn, Stadtkreis

The webAI Social Innovation agent was trained by ISTARI.AI to derive from companies’ websites their engagement in social innovation and to map it as an individual Social InnoProb Score. This indicator, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0, reflects the likelihood that a company is a social innovator.

ISTARI webAI has found 1472 companies related to Social Innovation, out of 1818 in Heilbronn, Stadtkreis region. In the region the avarage Social Innovation score is 0.444 and ranges between 0.214 - 0.837. These are the regions top 10 most high-scored companies regarding Social_Innovation.

Heilbronn, Stadtkreis
Score: 0.837 is a company located in Heilbronn, Stadtkreis.
Heilbronn, Stadtkreis
Score: 0.77

Als Digitalexperten und Kreativberater begleiten wir B2B-Unternehmen bei der Digitalisierung, Social-Media- Strategien, Inhalten und webbasierte Lösungen.
Heilbronn, Stadtkreis
Score: 0.762

Admitad bietet Möglichkeiten für eine langfristige Partnerschaft und Entwicklung ihres Unternehmens in Deutschland.
Start Up
Heilbronn, Stadtkreis
Score: 0.757

Campus Founders believes that everyone can act entrepreneurially and provides the inspiration, mindsets, role models, and holistic support needed on this entrepreneurial journey. Through programs that combine practical experience, top-trends in innovation, founder-friendly values, financial support, and a global network, Campus Founders creates a safe and productive environment for founders and innovators to create sustainable entrepreneurial impact.Our mission is to empower and accelerate founders and innovators to launch impact-creating startups, both in Germany and the broader international market.
Heilbronn, Stadtkreis
Score: 0.75 is a company located in Heilbronn, Stadtkreis.
Heilbronn, Stadtkreis
Score: 0.747

Seit über 15 Jahren liefert IBsolution SAP-Beratungsleistungen und Software-Produkte, die das Portfolio von SAP ideal ergänzen. Simplify now!
Heilbronn, Stadtkreis
Score: 0.746 is a company located in Heilbronn, Stadtkreis.
Start Up
Heilbronn, Stadtkreis
Score: 0.739

Starte deine Zukunft im Coding in Heilbronn. Werde Teil unserer innovativen, renommierten Programmierschule ohne Lehrer, Kurse und Bücher.
Heilbronn, Stadtkreis
Score: 0.739

Wirtschaftsförderung Stadt und Landkreis Heilbronn ➥ Unternehmensservice • Ansiedlung • Branchen • Schulungen • Netzwerken
Heilbronn, Stadtkreis
Score: 0.735 is a company located in Heilbronn, Stadtkreis.

We are built on cutting-edge research and a highly skilled team. Founded in 2019 as a scientific spin-off, we specialize in AI-based analysis of company-related web data. We continue to stay closely connected to the scientific world and provide expert-level, science-based web analytics.

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