Top Ten Lists
Fyn, Additive Manufacturing

Top Ten Additive Manufacturing Companies in Fyn

The webAI Additive Manufacturing Agent (3D Printing) was trained by ISTARI.AI to derive companies’ know-how in the field of additive manufacturing from their websites and to map it as an individual Additive Manufacturing Score. By knowhow in this context, we mean products and services in additive manufacturing or personnel with skills in additive manufacturing. This numerical indicator reflects how central the topic of additive manufacturing is communicated by the company on its own website and presented as essential for its own business model.

ISTARI webAI has found 31 companies related to Additive Manufacturing, out of 15266 in Fyn region. In the region the avarage Additive Manufacturing score is 0.391 and ranges between 0.076 - 1.788. These are the regions top 10 most high-scored companies regarding Additive_Manufacturing.

Score: 1.788

Particle3D uses novel 3D printing to provide patient specific, natural, and biodegradable bone implants that remodel into real living bone.
Score: 1.255

Our facilities are equipped with a broad variety of advanced production equipment, which are useable in many different production contexts.
Score: 1.081

I mere end 20 år har vi udviklet kurser, uddannelser, temadage, seminarer til både offentlige og private. Når du ikke vil gå på kompromis med kvalitet.
Score: 1.076 is a company located in Fyn.
Score: 0.935

STEFFCA producerer pakninger og tætninger til alle typer produktion og processer. Giv os et ring på 6531 3102, så får du den løsning, som passer præcis til dig.
Start Up
Score: 0.675

Machine shops in Southern California have benefitted from the suggestions, training, technical support, and installation of Mastercam systems by our staff over the 26 years this company has served the same market. Some of our other top-quality products come from trusted brands such as Mold Plus, Cimco, and NCSimul.
Score: 0.633

Med 75 medarbetare ser vi till att ert företag får tillgång till högkvalitativa maskiner och spetskompetens.
Score: 0.534

Vi tilbyder alt fra CNC maskiner og lasermaskiner til automatiseringsløsninger til brancher som medico, automotive og off shore. Vi tilbyder også kurser.
Score: 0.453

We are the world’s largest and most respected provider of heat treatment services and specialist thermal processes, Hot Isostatic Pressing, Powdermet and surface technology.
Score: 0.444

Bælt er et kreativt og teknisk 3D-tegne- og printstudie på Fyn. Vi udvikler designs og 3D-printer specialløsninger og prototyper.

We are built on cutting-edge research and a highly skilled team. Founded in 2019 as a scientific spin-off, we specialize in AI-based analysis of company-related web data. We continue to stay closely connected to the scientific world and provide expert-level, science-based web analytics.

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