Top Ten Lists
Frankfurt am Main, Kreisfreie Stadt, Innovation

Top Ten Innovation Companies in Frankfurt am Main, Kreisfreie Stadt

The webAI InnoProb agent was trained by ISTARI.AI to derive the status of companies as innovators from their websites and to map it as an individual Innovation Probability Score (InnoProb). This indicator between 0.0 and 1.0 reflects the probability of a company being an innovator.

ISTARI webAI has found 13427 companies related to Innovation, out of 16899 in Frankfurt am Main, Kreisfreie Stadt region. In the region the avarage Innovation score is 0.366 and ranges between 0.039 - 0.895. These are the regions top 10 most high-scored companies regarding Innovation.

Start Up
Frankfurt am Main, Kreisfreie Stadt
Score: 0.895

Die erste ESG-Umsetzungsplattform für Real Estate
Frankfurt am Main, Kreisfreie Stadt
Score: 0.891

Our Goal: Healthy Mobility - clean, safe and connected. Our heart beats for this. Learn more about it on our homepage.
Start Up
Frankfurt am Main, Kreisfreie Stadt
Score: 0.888

Infosys ist ein weltweit führender Anbieter von digitalen Services und Beratungsleistungen der nächsten Generation in mehr als 50 Ländern weltweit. Erfahren Sie mehr über unser Angebot in Deutschland.
Start Up
Frankfurt am Main, Kreisfreie Stadt
Score: 0.888

ClearView Imaging is a leading supplier of Machine Vision components, solutions, systems and services. Whether you’re a manufacturer developing a vision system from scratch, or an end user looking to source a complete system, we can provide you with invaluable experience and support to help deliver the system you need.
Frankfurt am Main, Kreisfreie Stadt
Score: 0.885

DataSpark befähigt Unternehmen, künstliche Intelligenz einfacher und schneller als bisher in der gesamten Organisation anzuwenden und wertbringend zu nutzen.
Frankfurt am Main, Kreisfreie Stadt
Score: 0.884

Lunatec GmbH ist einer der führenden Anbieter für intelligente Prozessautomatisierung in Deutschland und wurde 2017 gegründet.
Start Up
Frankfurt am Main, Kreisfreie Stadt
Score: 0.883

Moderne multinationale Organisationen benötigen Rechtsanwälte, die sie im Tagesgeschäft ebenso gut unterstützen können wie in anspruchsvollen Sonderprojekten - und das in einer Vielzahl von Jurisdiktionen.
Frankfurt am Main, Kreisfreie Stadt
Score: 0.881

GLP Systems is an innovative laboratory automation solution, offering you proven technology with great flexibility and options to meet high volume needs.
Start Up
Frankfurt am Main, Kreisfreie Stadt
Score: 0.879 is a company located in Frankfurt am Main, Kreisfreie Stadt.
Frankfurt am Main, Kreisfreie Stadt
Score: 0.877

PathPartner Technology, is now a Member of KPIT Group. PathPartner is an end-to-end product engineering services provider with rich expertise in all aspects of embedded systems - from hardware design to embedded software and from custom algorithm design to complete device development.

We are built on cutting-edge research and a highly skilled team. Founded in 2019 as a scientific spin-off, we specialize in AI-based analysis of company-related web data. We continue to stay closely connected to the scientific world and provide expert-level, science-based web analytics.

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