Top Ten Lists
Darmstadt, Kreisfreie Stadt, Artificial Intelligence

Top Ten Artificial Intelligence Companies in Darmstadt, Kreisfreie Stadt

The webAI AI Agent was trained by ISTARI.AI to derive companies’ artificial intelligence (AI) know-how from their websites and to map it as an individual AI Intensity Score. By AI know-how, in this context, we mean products and services with integrated AI or personnel with AI skills. The resulting numerical indicator reflects how centrally the topic of artificial intelligence is communicated on the company’s website and presented as essential for its own business model.

ISTARI webAI has found 132 companies related to Artificial Intelligence, out of 3014 in Darmstadt, Kreisfreie Stadt region. In the region the avarage Artificial Intelligence score is 0.378 and ranges between 0.072 - 2.97. These are the regions top 10 most high-scored companies regarding AI.

Start Up
Darmstadt, Kreisfreie Stadt
Score: 2.97

AI Superior is an artificial intelligence development company that develops AI services and solutions for businesses to help them achieve a competitive advantage.
Darmstadt, Kreisfreie Stadt
Score: 2.139 is a company located in Darmstadt, Kreisfreie Stadt.
Darmstadt, Kreisfreie Stadt
Score: 2.138 is a company located in Darmstadt, Kreisfreie Stadt.
Darmstadt, Kreisfreie Stadt
Score: 1.782

Infor ist ein globales Softwareunternehmen, das Cloud-Produkte für kleine, mittlere und große Unternehmen entwickelt, unter anderem für die Branchen Fertigung, Gesundheitsversorgung, Verkauf, Hotelwesen und Dienstleistungen.
Start Up
Darmstadt, Kreisfreie Stadt
Score: 1.744 is a company located in Darmstadt, Kreisfreie Stadt.
Darmstadt, Kreisfreie Stadt
Score: 1.626

Ekkono means Cognition. Use our SDK to rapidly develop and deploy self-learning, predictive and personalized models onboard your IoT products.
Darmstadt, Kreisfreie Stadt
Score: 1.509

Stellen Sie die Bedürfnisse Ihrer Kunden ein für alle Mal ins Zentrum Ihrer Strategie. Mit der BSI Customer Suite können Sie direkt loslegen und weiter wachsen.
Start Up
Darmstadt, Kreisfreie Stadt
Score: 1.284

IT-Blox is a modern information technology and development company that offers scalable and customized IT solutions.
Darmstadt, Kreisfreie Stadt
Score: 1.277

Remote Job Board for Developers...
Darmstadt, Kreisfreie Stadt
Score: 1.211

Unsere Plattform ermöglicht es, schnell & flexibel Lösungen über Datensilos hinweg zu konfigurieren & relevante Informationen zu verknüpfen. ►Transparenz!

We are built on cutting-edge research and a highly skilled team. Founded in 2019 as a scientific spin-off, we specialize in AI-based analysis of company-related web data. We continue to stay closely connected to the scientific world and provide expert-level, science-based web analytics.

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