Top Ten Lists
Coburg, Kreisfreie Stadt, Innovation

Top Ten Innovation Companies in Coburg, Kreisfreie Stadt

The webAI InnoProb agent was trained by ISTARI.AI to derive the status of companies as innovators from their websites and to map it as an individual Innovation Probability Score (InnoProb). This indicator between 0.0 and 1.0 reflects the probability of a company being an innovator.

ISTARI webAI has found 603 companies related to Innovation, out of 730 in Coburg, Kreisfreie Stadt region. In the region the avarage Innovation score is 0.301 and ranges between 0.062 - 0.819. These are the regions top 10 most high-scored companies regarding Innovation.

Coburg, Kreisfreie Stadt
Score: 0.819

✅ Innovative Website Entwicklung - Digitalisierung auf höchstem Niveau ✅ Erfolgreiche Web Entwicklung durch Experten - Jetzt kontaktieren
Coburg, Kreisfreie Stadt
Score: 0.791 is a company located in Coburg, Kreisfreie Stadt.
Coburg, Kreisfreie Stadt
Score: 0.783

IntarS ist eine cloudfähige, schnelle, umfangreiche, flexibel individualisierbare, kommerzielle Open Source ERP Software / Warenwirtschaft
Coburg, Kreisfreie Stadt
Score: 0.779

Speed up Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows XP with Cacheman. Linkman bookmark manager for Firefox, Chrome, IE. Clipboard History the Clipboard Manager.
Start Up
Coburg, Kreisfreie Stadt
Score: 0.773

Venture Capital-Beteiligungen an Technologien im Bereich Additive Fertigung (3D-Druck) arbeiten mit Experten aus der Branche zusammen und setzen ihre Erfahr
Coburg, Kreisfreie Stadt
Score: 0.769

C4E Technology
Coburg, Kreisfreie Stadt
Score: 0.769

GAUDLITZ ist Ihr erfahrener Spezialist für hochpräzise, technische Kunststoffteile, Baugruppen und Systeme für die Medizintechnik, Automotive und Industrietechnik – von der Entwicklung, dem Werkzeugbau, modernster Thermo- und Duroplastverarbeitung, bis hin zur Baugruppenmontage.
Coburg, Kreisfreie Stadt
Score: 0.765 is a company located in Coburg, Kreisfreie Stadt.
Coburg, Kreisfreie Stadt
Score: 0.762 is a company located in Coburg, Kreisfreie Stadt.
Start Up
Coburg, Kreisfreie Stadt
Score: 0.762 is a company located in Coburg, Kreisfreie Stadt.

We are built on cutting-edge research and a highly skilled team. Founded in 2019 as a scientific spin-off, we specialize in AI-based analysis of company-related web data. We continue to stay closely connected to the scientific world and provide expert-level, science-based web analytics.

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